Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Cash @ 3 1/2 years

At 3 1/2 Cash is fabulously rambunctious, smart, cunning, sneaky and a bit of a tall taler.  He repeats bad words and knows he is doing a bad thing because he informs us "Mom, Shit is a bad word." out of the blue.  It's really hard not to laugh especially when he tells his Dad to "Stop dicking around and eat." I wonder where he learns these things from? Hmmmm. ;)

He loves to tell Stories and will make up elaborate stories with his imaginary friends which include "Toothfera", which is a purple dragon who lives behind his ear.  He is very consistent with the descriptions of his imaginary friends too.  He believes dragons live outside of our house and that our Doberman Pincher, Layla fights them off while he is asleep.  He is obsessed with mountain Lions and points to the Saddleback mountains and informs us they live over there.  His favorite conversation started is, "When I was a baby" or "When I was a big kid"  He loves to dress up in costumes and takes on the roll of what he is wearing.  IE if he's a Dr. he has to give you his "Diagnosis" etc.

He loves his new sandbox at Nana and Papas house, playing kitchen and taking your orders.  He loves taking baths.  If he hears me start a bath for myself he will run upstairs and strip off all his clothes and ask to get in.  I never say no, even though it make me frustrated to have him in there with me.  He loves being naked, he gets home takes his clothes off and sings, "pants off, dance off!".  He is a typical boy and any chance he gets pee's outside.  He loves water of all sorts and will find any way to emerge him self in it.  We cannot go to Grampa's with out Cash getting so wet we just allow him into the pool, and Cash knows it works.  He loves to try to control situation. If we tell him he needs to come in in 5 Min's. he says "No Mom, 7 more Min's." Or he will want more candy and say "Just one more, okay Mom, one more!"

He hates bedtime, and will find every excuse to get up.  It's a battle most nights to keep him in his room.  He doesn't get the concept that when he runs back and forth between his playroom and bedroom, we can hear the pitter patter of his little feet.  We woke up one night around 2:00 am with our TV on in our room and Cash at the foot of our bed wide awake watching his shows.  Geoff was not pleased with him.  This kid will take a few swats and still test us, he has endurance. He still hates to eat and is so picky.  He will eat chicken nuggets, apples, bananas, grilled cheese and spinach, cottage cheese, hot dogs, popcorn, pancakes, waffles, grapes, ham, turkey and just now he will eat hamburger.  Everything else he snubs and will literally go to bed with out eating.  It's so annoying but I am not sure what to do.

He is very into understanding family dynamics.  Who belong to who within our family.  He tells me I am his Mother, and Nana is my Mother.  He understands that Nana and Papa are married and have Uncle Nik, Uncle Chris and me.  He also gets that Uncle Chris is married to Auntie Bo and Presley is theirs.  It's really amazing how he can link everyone at such a young age.  He loves tell Nana that she is his Grandma. 

He is social almost to the point where kids look at him like why are you talking to me?  If someone asks him his name, he responds with, "Cash Stephen Paul Sargent" people look at me and say what's his name?!  He loves going to the park and is willing to share his toys.  He doesn't get his feelings hurt very easily when kids are being mean, he moves right along to the next person. 

His newest love is his baby brother.  He loves to help with Jameson and has yet to show any signs of jealousy or resentment.  He talks to Jameson constantly and thinks he is taking care of him.  I cannot wait to see their bond grow over the years.

If you ask him how old he is he replies, "I'm FREE AND A HALF"

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