I worked the day I went into labor. (It was my last day before I was to go on maternity leave) I had gone home and my Mom and I went for a long walk. I cooked Geoff dinner. I was noticing some discomfort so I took a warm shower and after, Geoff & I headed to Sears at South Coast Plaza. My contractions started getting stronger while we were in Sears and I was getting irritable so we left. As I sat down in the car, I felt a gush of fluid, I knew my water had just broken. I was so thrilled ,I called our parents (then the hospital)
We arrived at the hospital around 8:30 pm and I was admitted to labor and delivery. I feel sorry for the people waiting in the ER lobby. I didn't know when your water breaks you continue to gush fluid!!! I left a nice puddle in the lobby...OOPS!

My parents showed up to the hospital after the Dr. confirmed I was in true labor. I was 6 cm and 80% effaced. My Mom and I walked the halls for an hour or so before Samantha
Ascher and Amanda Brown showed. I asked for the "cocktail" as I called it, I didn't need the epidural yet. Around midnight I was really starting to feel the pressure and wanted real drugs. My parents spent the night with us in the hospital. I didn't get any sleep with the nurses constantly moving the fetal monitors and taking my
temperature. I stopped pretending to try to sleep around 6:00 am and asked if they could check me I felt so much pressure. The nurse said she didn't want to check me because I was running a slight fever. (since my water broke 10 hours before) We waited and waited until Doctor
Koperek came in around 9:30 am and said I was 10 cm
dilated and 100% effaced. He said I had about an hour to two hours of pushing and he would come back. The nurse got set up to do a "test" push and had to call the Dr. back, Cash was literally right there. I pushed for about 30
mins with 3 minuted between contractions (which apparently is long breaks)

Cash joined our family on Thursday, October 22, 2008 at 10:15 am with his Nana, Papa, Grammie, Grampa, Smooch & Aunt Sandy all there to greet him. He is truly a blessed child.
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