Geoff proposed on Saturday, February 3, 2007. I had no idea he was going to do it this night (I knew he was going to propose, he told me he bought the ring a week or so before) The morning of, he told me he was going to work and then wanted me to meet him at his Dad's house and we'd go to dinner. Little did I know he was at the jewelers and then my parents house to ask for permission and then went to show his best friend, Eric the ring. I went to his Dad's house and he told me he didn't feel good so we had to make this an early night. We drove to the San Clemente Pier and had dinner at Fisherman's. (Clam Chowder in Sourdough Bowls YUM!) After dinner we walked down the pier and talked, well I talked and he was ignoring me. Finally he shouts out, "Let's take a picture" and has a couple take it for us. Then he asked if I was ready and I said ya, and then next thing I know he is on his knee with a ring...

The Lady taking the picture starts crying saying, "Are we witnessing something special" and her husband yelling at her to take the picture! I was so surprised and had to call my parents to confirm he'd asked their permission before I said, YES! to him. Geoff called all our friends and we all met at Champs Bar at the Irvine Spectrum to celebrate.