I woke up around 6:00 am on Monday, January 28, 2013. I asked Geoff to take a picture of my belly as a last belly shot. (Thank God I did!) We dropped Cash off at my Mom's so we could go to my last Dr.s appt and my Pre-Op at the hospital. We saw Dr. Koperek at 9:00 am and he did his routine check up and checked to see how Dilated (or not) I was. He said he would "give" me a 1/2 cm dilated but was being generous. I was really bummed I wasn't dilated at because I kept feeling like I should have progress with the braxton hicks I was having. I left feeling sad but knew I was having a c-section the following day so I got over it. We went to Ruby's for breakfast and talked nervously about the c-section and then went tot he hospital for my pre-op appt. They took blood, went over meds to take the night before and sent me home. Geoff took me to my Moms around noon and went to work. Cash went down for his nap at 1:00 and I took a nap as well. I woke up around 2:45 pm and ate a PBJ and an Apple and watched TV with my Mom. At 3:15 pm I had the most intense pain I've ever felt. It literally made me get up and walk around to try to ease the pain. I felt like the pressure I was feeling was going to make my water break and didn't want to ruin my parents couch. The next contraction was exactly 7 Min's later and it was just as intense and another.

My Mom said call the Dr. and let him know you've started labor and just lie that its been going on like this for an hour (They make you wait an hour before they allow you to come in!) She was really concerned at how quickly and fast it was progressing. I called my Dr. and they said okay, head on to the hospital they would let L&D know. I text ed Geoff in hopes he was anywhere near me to take me to the hospital, since Cash was still taking a nap and my Mom would have to take me if he wasn't. Thank GOD he was actually really close. The contractions kept going 7 Min's and lasting for about a minute. Then 15 Min's later Geoff arrived and I was at every 5 Min's. I was starting to panic and get really scared. I was crying and leaning against the wall. I remember my Mom asking Geoff if he needed to shower before taking me because he wanted to change out of his work clothes. I am pretty sure I started yelling we don't have time! We finally got in the car and headed to the hospital and we were still at every 5 Min's. We hit EVERY red light, I was in so much pain with the pressure. At 4:08 pm my water broke in the car and we were still a few miles away. I called the Dr.'s office again to update them that my water had broken and they said they were all ready for me at Labor and Delivery. Now my contractions went to every 3 Min's. apart.

I was terrified at this point. We FINALLY got to the hospital, Geoff parked the car in the emergency parking and we had to walk up to labor and delivery. I left a amniotic trail which was embarrassing. I got to the reception desk for Labor and Delivery and it was apparent i was in labor. The lady asked how bad my water broke and I said it's all in my car, the lobby and there's a puddle right here. She took a look and said to the other nurse, "We don't need to check her, her water is grossly broken." They took me to the Triage room to get changed into my gown while Geoff parked the car in a legal spot. My contractions were still 3 Min's. apart lasting about a minute and getting more and more painful. I changed and they started the IV on me. They asked a million questions and it was really hard for me to focus with the pain. I told the nurse I felt a ton of pressure and like I had to go Poop. She looked at me and said please don't push. That's when panic in the room set in. She called Dr. Koperek's office and apparently he was with a patient at the time, she told them she NEEDED to speak to him NOW! She got him on the line a second later and updated him. All I heard was "OK we will see you in the OR in 10" There was literally 6 nurses doing a million different things. They had to ultrasound me again before surgery to see if he was still breech, which he was. They tried to get me to sign consents which I pushed away during contractions. During each contraction I would have to grip the side of the bed and lay in the fetal position. I asked Geoff to rub my lower back really hard to help with the pain. It was incredibly painful and I wasn't allowed to have drugs before my surgery. Finally Dr. Koperek came in and said lets get her to the OR. Geoff went with the nurses to get suited up and they took me to get my Spinal Block. It was really hard to sit up to get the spinal during my contractions so the nurse hugged me and pulled me forward to lean on her. Once the spinal was in and working I was in Heaven! The anaesthesiologist was amazing he put something behind my ear to help with the nausea from eating lunch so close to this surgery. I felt pressure but no pain what so ever. When Dr. Koperek was about to pull Jameson out they lowered the tent thing and the anaesthesiologist held my head up so I could see him come out. It was amazing and made me cry. It was weird to see the feet first but his head followed shortly.

Jameson Edward Riley Sargent joined our Family on January 28, 2013 at 5:30 PM
7lbs 1oz and 19 inches long
He has a full head of hair and looked beautiful. He cried a ton and did amazing. Geoff stayed with him while they checked over him and while I was stitched closed. I was wheeled into a recovery room, I was really and must have been really drugged because I don't remember much of the closing of my c-section, but there was Geoff and our newest son. The nurse had told me that they were really worried my body was going to start pushing because I was 10 cm dilated, fully effaced and he was right there. In hind sight if I had waited the hour with our lying and saying my contractions started earlier I would never had made it to the hospital on time to deliver safely. Jameson was given a bath and I got to hold him. Around 8:00 pm I heard my parents with Cash outside and they got to meet Jameson. It was such a amazing moment to share with my son. He instantly fell in love with his baby brother. They wheeled me to my actual room and Cash insisted on helping the nurses wheel me and his baby brother. It was the sweetest thing I've ever seen. Steve and Lynne showed up right when I got to my room. Steve was so sick he couldn't touch the baby but he got to look at him.
It's amazing how much love you can feel for someone you just met, this baby is so loved already and he is still sooooo new. I look forward to learning who he is in the future but until then I will enjoy him in the now!
Waiting to go into sugery |
Anxious to meet by baby |
Jameson Edward Riley Sargent |
7 lbs. 1 oz. 19 inches long |
First Time holding him |
Nana and Papa |
Big Brother Cash |
Smooch |
Baby Lily meeting her cousin |
Grammie |
Going home 2/1/13 |