This Christmas was very special to me. It is the first Christmas in over 10 years where our entire family has gotten together. My Brother Chris and his wife
Bodell along with Presley flew here from Colorado. Nik & Shannon and Grandma Ward all came in from Ventura and Grandma
Michaud came in from Michigan. It was amazing to have Cash and Presley together for Christmas.

My Brother Chris turned 30 on Christmas Day. The entire family was able to celebrate this milestone.

My Mom, Grandma
Michaud, Chris,
Bodell, Presley, Cash, Geoff and I all went to church Christmas Eve. It was an amazing service. We love dressing the kids up in their Sunday's Best. After church the kids decorated cookies for Santa.

Cash and Presley are in the kissing phase...There was plenty of wet smooches going around no one was deprived.